Small, pink & white, and utterly adorable. Say hello to Miss Rosanna. Made by Perfect Effect, she is one tiny, beautiful little toy.
I got her after seeing her amazingness on Now I want the other cassettes from this company! Especially the Frenzy one... *Sigh* Why can't I be made of money? I have a package arriving today or tomorrow with Generations Thundercracker, Kup, Wheeljack and Scourge. At the moment, Soundwave, Ravage and now Rosanna are on my desk at work, but I will be switching them out for Screamer, TC & Warp as soon as my Thundercracker arrives. Yay!
I just saw that plasticcrack is back in action, and then felt the urge to post myself. I am still addicted Aion, even made a separate blog for it. Over the last few years my life has changed a lot, and it's been a weird sometimes uncomfortable adjustment. I reached complete and total burn out on sewing, which led to me playing Aion a lot more, which then led me to meeting some really awesome people.
My main, Deadend, is now capped at 55. He's frustrating and rewarding to play. My alts are currently languishing, since there is so much still left to do with him.
I haven't forgotten about my love of transformers, though.
I took out Perceptor and transformed him. And I have Blurr, Drift, Jazz, Tracks, and many more waiting for some love and playtime. I just haven't had the will to open most of them. That's partly due to the fact that my boyfriend and I will be moving soon. It seems like they are safer in their little bubble packs for now. Once we are settled and the toys are unpacked, there will be many pictures to post. Until then... it's a waiting game.
Oh, and yes, I will be at Botcon this year. My savings account is nice and fat now. Awaiting registration to be posted and a plane ticket to be bought. California is where I am from, making this year's venue perfect for me. Of course I *have* to go seeing as a con toy this year is Deadend! My two interests coming full circle as it were.
For Christmas I got a new pretty laptop with a quad-core processor and 1G video card to make my massive amount of time Aioning a lot more fun. No more disconnecting when my graphics card fails to render what the slow processor is trying to feed it. Woo!
It also makes for some beautiful screenshots:
(Deadend is now 52)
(Soundwave is 42)
(Elitaone is 28)
(Firestarr is 23)
Here is my legion on our lowbies rifting on the Eloys side. This 40+ Elyos didn't kill us, and we chatted for a minute before he let us on our way to kill players our level.
I also downloaded a trial version of Frapps, and shot a few vids:
Maybe I'll download the full version someday...
I also have a new slew of transformers that arrived. I'll have to photograph them and post them soon!
Well the Aion playing continues. I wound up joining a legion, ArchAngelsForce. They are kick-ass awesome and we have a ton of fun together. I doubt my interest in this game would have kept up if it hadn't been for them. Here's my legion leader and his family at tfcon:
My love of transformers and Aion have been all mixed up together! Let's meet the brood of toons I have been working on:
Deadend- Level 48, Cleric. He's my main dude. I am one of the resident clerics for the legion that runs around healing everyone in group instances, etc. He's the best geared out of all my toons, wearing some gold items.
Soundwave- Level 40, Spiritmaster. Spiritmaster's have 'pets', so of course I named mine after Soundwave. He's a lot of fun to play, but I do get frustrated with his squishyness at times. (And that kitty is not one of elemental pets he fights with, but an in game pet which I of course named Ravage.)
Elitaone- Level 24, Chanter. She is my first 'doll' toon I made. Cute and spunky, she is a ton of fun to play! But I paused her progress while I wait for my brother's toon to catch up.
Flareup- Level 17, Sorceror. I started her a couple weeks ago. I have decided I like the casting classes, and after having my ass handed to me by sorcerors a million times in PvP I wanted to make one too.
As you can see I abandoned my Elyos characters. Asmodians are way cooler! (Pun intended) I leave you all with this awesome youtube video that some girls that play made. They wrote the song and recorded it, as well as screen video capped their toons to make this thing. It's awesome! Watch it!
I took the plunge and bought myself the 4x4 expedit shelving unit from IKEA. Why? Because i was sick of the massive pile of disorganized, non-rectangular shaped mass my toys were in. Here it is after the move:
Compared to many collectors what I have is small fry for sure, but in a small 2 bed apartment in Providence this is no small collection, I assure you.
There are a ton more photos in my photostream on flickr:
As far as collecting goes, I haven't bought new toys in a while actually. Arcee & ROTF Lockdown were the last ones. I did decide to preorder the whole first set of War for Cybertron toys (Generations) since I am totally crushing on all of them! Especially Drift. I also preordered the Takara TFA Roddy because dammit I am not scouring Toys R' Us every 2 days in search of him. I just want him in my hot little hands. I can't wait!!
I am not attending Botcon this year for several reasons: Mid-summer Florida, at Disney World which doesn't appeal to me in the least, and the G2 set is laaaame.
However! I will be getting my passport squared away so I cross the border to lovely Canada and attend tfcon!! I was already excited about it and then they posted this:
Zomg, zomg, zomg, zomg...
So yeah. Canada will be cooler in temperature as well as just all around COOLER! Woot!! Seriously Canada, if it weren't for the 8 feet of snow in the winter thing, I would be tempted to move there.
It's been forever since I posted images of new toys. Here we go then!
Here is my MP Black Convoy with his brothers:
Good and bad Strarfs:
The *only* ROTF toy I purchased:
Lockdown's not happy that I like to pose him looking all cute... That's the price of being owned by a fangirl, I suppose.
Casual Saber finally arrived:
And TFA Arcee is pure love ♥:
I am looking forward to the War for Cybertron toyline, Generations, and TFA Rodimus/Ironhide all coming this fall. It's been a terrible dry spell. I am looking forward to awesomeness!!
Being a transformer nerd, all my characters have been named after transformers. Now, I have never played a game like this before...ever. So all the things other people probably take for granted (like knowing about classes that kind of thing) is all brandie new to me! Basically, for anyone who doesn't know anything about Aion itself, there is a
lighted side and darkened side to the shattered
I have two that I mainly play with. Ratchett (pictured above) and Deadend (pictured below).
Both are clerics. Mostly because I like being able to heal myself. But also so I get invited to groups more often. As you can see, this game is really...ah...'fantasy' oriented. With that in mind, I made my characters pretty looking boys. I freely admit it. My boyfriend says Ratchett looks like a backstreet boy.
It actually snows in Asmodea.
Those are all my 'good guys'.
And the hilariously stupid emotes like this valentine's one sends me into giggle fits.
It's something I have been into doing on the weekends. Both the cool
graphics and the fact I get to run around as a boy smashing things is quite enjoyable. And even though it's not transformers, that part of my geek side is still in it. I healed a guy once as Ratchett and he ran over to me
to say, "More than meets the eye!". Yep. Fun times!
Once upon a time transformers rocked. Awesome classics toys, awesome masterpiece toys, kick-ass TFA toys. Then the transformer movie came out. A popcorn flick with explosions, shiny pretty cars, peter cullen's lovely voice, and plot holes big enough for Optimus to drive through. But it was forgivable since TFA stepped up and made me feel like a kid watching it saturday mornings while I ate my cereal. I also found myself buying up trade paperbacks and reading through the comics put out by IDW. It was like a wonderful giant robot dream!
Now-a-days I see the beloved transformers franchise is having it's soul sucked away thanks to Hasbro's moronic decisions. They allowed the movies and the dreadful toys associated with them continue on. If that weren't bad enough, they sold out to Discovery channel which meant TFA and their association with Cartoon Network was axed. And on top of all that, they allowed IDW to ruin what was an entertaining comic with the most ridiculous plot lines ever.
The dream is now a nightmare.
I have one last gleam of transformer love left, and that is the henkei comic bun-bun artist, Naoto Tsushima. I ordered a transformer manga he illustrated which arrived yesterday. It is pure love. I also want to get the stargate battles one, but i will have to wait on that for the moment.
I want to love transformers, but Hasbro is making it really hard. I find my geeky interests wandering into reading various manga series instead... even if my deepest love is for giant transforming robots.
I simply lack the time for commissions. I will be contacting people who already placed orders to issue refunds via email.
I may make some in the future (whatever strikes my fancy) and post them to the etsy shop. If I do, then I will be sure to post here when/if that happens.