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So cute! Maybe next time you could make a swirly compact florescent.


That is such a "bright idea" and so incredibly cute too! Very creative!!!




I think thye are stupendously cute without the arms and legs!


cool and cute idea!

Jessica Hood

i could totally have used one of these today! we were in a meeting @ work & i said "i have a bright idea..." imagine if i had pulled that cutie pie out when saying that! genius.


very very cute softie.. what a bright idea!
Kudo's for you! Hugs, Linda

Crystal J. Evans

So cute! Again your construction amazes me!


PLEASE make a pattern for your bright idea bulb, Id LOVE to hang one over my head at my computer desk ROTFL i NEED one hehehe.. I draw graphics and my mind is BLANK all the time LMAO PLEASE Im begging you :D love your blog, Carm


I think you should tweak that pattern and create a little chicken drumstick! LOL


Hello! Longtime lurker here.
I was forced to comment on this little guy. Personally, I think he's cute as is, without the arms and leg! Keep up the wonderful work...your creations never fail to bring a smie to my face. :-)

Linda Vee

Way too cute! Your work is beautiful! I can almost feel the smoothness. I have MS and as many with MS suffer from cognizance problems, your lightbulb just cracked me up. It's what all of need!!!!!!! Wonderful!


What a great idea! teehee.

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