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I'm sorry to hear about the life pains...those are super hard. Sewing will always be there if you want to come back to it, or something else. In the meantime, enjoy the shift! The house is ADORABLE!!!


You are an artist, and you also deserve a life without stress. Good luck in your new setting. :)


We have enjoyed your creations so far, and I hope that you will find new ways to be creative that bring you enjoyment and happiness again. With very best wishes :-)


I am so sorry for you pain but your work truly brings me joy. You are a very talented person and sewing will always be there for you when you are ready to get back to it. Enjoy the break don't feel guilty about it you've earned it.


Seeing your happy little creations on my mantlepiece in my living room always makes me smile and lifts my mood, I do hope one day you sew again and it makes you smile too. Thank you for sharing your talent :)


Not too sure what happened in your journey but just wanted you to know that I've been a huge fan of sewing stars for many years now and it kinda broke my heart to read your latest blog so I wanted to let you know just how much joy your creations have brought to me and those I love - there's even a little blonde girl who never goes to sleep without snuggling her sewing stars elephant and kissing him goodnight. You have made a wonderful and creative contribution to people you have never even met and I have been both inspired and fabulously excited at all your new reveals over the years - just wanted you to know that you have a pretty big fan base who will always be here to support you wherever your journey may take you - thanks for all your hard work and fantastic softies! You will be missed - xo nikki


So sorry to hear about the burnout. I feel somewhat similar. I hope you'll be able to find joy in it again.

Tom Vadakan

Just happened upon your site. Great stuff. Just do what you enjoy, don't stress. I really feel your creations are awesome, & if you need to step away from it, that is fine, but it seems like there was a lot of love from where that came from, so I think one day you will return. Best of luck.


Canada Goose

I am actually very much looking forward to the change, since that means that I will have less confusing issues with my ordering system. With the old cart, I had to check 3 different locations to verify orders, and sometimes emails weren't reaching me.

North Face Sale

I hope things will get brighter for you soon. Please know that I continue to love and use my Mr. Bunny stamps and coin purse.

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