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Vicky Child

The new house looks gorgeous. I hope you have a lovely time living there.

As a manga fan, are there any you'd really recommend?


Such pretty fabric! Good luck in your new home!

Sandra (Cherry Heart)

Hi, I love your blog and I've just nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger Award. Details on my blog.

S x


Those fabrics are adorable.


I love love love the space fabric! and wow look at your transformers...impressive. i haven't stopped by in a while, i was afraid you were gone for good. I think those cute little pink flowers are the same i planted last year...they fill out so beautifully the following year! i will keep checking in, i love your creations (i have my little snowman that i made from your pattern still sitting on my secretary because he is too cute to put away)


Well i admire your house a lot as a 20 years old girl i am dreaming for a house like that. I get some tips to your house, after 5 years i will have my own house, beautiful that yours.;p

Lauryn Purtee

WHOA! Your manga collection must be the envy of a lot of people! You should start collecting anime toys to go with that and your TFs! How old is your collection now and how many pieces are there?

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Thak you for sharing them with us , I think it's worth reading

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Congratulations for making to the summit. I bet this such a wonderful feeling to all the participants, specially to you guys. With all the effort and sweats you have shed...thanks for the share.

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I hope things will get brighter for you soon. Please know that I continue to love and use my Mr. Bunny stamps and coin purse.

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